10497 Warning: At this point, there is only\n %4.1f MB of available physical memory and\n %4.1f MB of available page file space on disk.\nWe recommend that you increase minimum page file\nspace by at least %d MB. Refer to readme.txt\nQuit?\n
10501 Only subclasses of Component can be added into the object library
10502 Default Package
10503 Unknown Package
10511 %1 (%2)|%2|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
10512 Add %1
10514 Add a database table to the project
10515 Add a stored procedure to the project
10516 Launch live update.
10518 LiveUpdate is not currently enabled.\n\nTo enable LiveUpdate you need to connect to our Update Center, register, and then follow the instructions there.\n\nYou can choose to connect now via your default browser by pressing the "OK" button.
10519 Not enough memory to launch web browser.
10520 Unable to determine default browser from registry.
10521 Unable to run %1
10522 Unable to locate registration URL in registry.
10523 Unable to run Live Update.
10524 Unable to find ITLU paramaters.
10525 Not enough memory to launch Live Update.
10526 Display the dbNAVIGATOR API Documentation
10527 Unable to launch default browser; Unable to view the html help file
10800 Migrate the active source file from the JDK version 1.0 to the JDK version 1.1 event model
10801 Create a Java Archive file from the active project
10802 Migrate %1 Event &Bindings from 1.0 to 1.1
10804 %1 is not a valid file or directory
10805 All components referencing %1 will be removed from the component library, continue to delete?
10806 %1 must be on your CLASSPATH
10807 TempPrj
10808 You are attempting to add a temporary project.\nPlease save the project before adding it as a subproject.
10809 Display the Macro System Documentation
10810 Visual Cafe cannot evaluate some of the Java code \nwithin the tagged sections. Please see the messages window \nfor more detailed error information before continuing.
10811 %1 Customizer
10812 %1 Editor
11015 RAD Codegen Status
11017 Hide
11018 Close
11019 Docking View
11026 &Make %s Default
11027 Show the workbook
11028 MDI/SDI option change will take effect the next time the Development Environment is started.
11030 Show customizable toolbars dialog
11037 &View
11047 One or more of the following files are read only:%1\nPlease select a different directory.
11051 Automatically build JAR and update environment
11052 Can not open serialization file.
11053 Can not read serialization file.
11054 Wrong serialization file format.
11055 JAR Packager
11060 The preparsed JDK information has not been found.\nParsing the JDK may take several minutes...\nDo you want to reparse the JDK?
11061 Parsing the selected source files. This may take several minutes. Please wait!
11063 &Start RAD
11064 &Stop RAD
11065 You are about to start the RAD feature on the selected file.\nThis may result in code alteration in your source file.\nAre you sure you want to enable RAD on the selected files?
11066 Interaction Wizard
11067 Selection Tool
11068 %s
11069 - %s
11070 -
11071 Size
11072 Move
11073 Commands
11077 The toolbar name you have selected already exists. Please select a unique name.
11078 Start JAR Viewer
11079 Enabled
11080 Disabled
11081 Close the active project
11082 Cannot close the project: unable to terminate executing app.
11091 Close Proj&ect
11092 Cannot complete the source generation because there are\nread-only buffers for the file which hosts the selected object.
11093 Unable to complete the selected operation. Please add //{{INIT_CONTROLS and\n//{{DECLARE_CONTROLS to your container before proceeding. Create a new Applet\nfor sample syntax.
11094 Open the project
11095 Customize Toolbars
11096 %1 has not been modified since last introspection, continue anyway?
11098 Produce documention
11218 <Default>
11219 &On The Web
12011 A Bean was added to the project. Do you want to update all the Beans that are in your project?
12215 Localize the Current Project
12217 Add a New Locale to the Project
12218 Delete a Locale From the Project
12219 Edit the Current Object's Resource Bundle
12220 Set the Locale for the Current Project to the Default Locale
12240 &Locales
12241 &Localization
12242 &Add Locale...
12243 &Delete Locale...
12350 Update a bean in the project
12351 Open Project
12352 &Search
12353 &Help
12354 &Layout
12355 &Object
12356 Sou&rce
12357 &Classes
12358 Hie&rarchy
12359 &Breakpoints
12360 &Variables
12361 &Threads
12362 &Calls
12394 VM name
12395 VM manufacturer
12396 Compiler classpath
12400 Use VM executable (fully specified path of the VM executable)
12402 Classpath (classpath for use by the VM executable)
12403 VM path
12404 Other command options (other execution options for the VM)
12405 Use debugger executable
12406 Javadoc executable
12407 Sun Java VM
12408 Netscape Navigator
12409 Microsoft Internet Explorer/JView
12410 The VM you entered has already been registered. Type a different VM name.
12411 Deleting this VM removes all the setting associated with it.\nAre you sure you want to delete the VM?
12412 Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe||
12413 The VM entry you have selected does not have an executable file associated with it or the specified file does not exist.\nDo you want to specify a VM executable now?
12414 The VM you selected will start using its specific preparsed information the next time you restart Visual Cafe. In order to use VM specific preparsed information specify VM path and VM's JDK source path for the JDK for this VM.
12436 "Supports direct debugging" option is not on, and "Use debugger executable:"\nis not specified. When you choose Run in Debugger from the Project menu, your\nproject will execute in the VM you specified but no debugger will launch.
12437 Visual Cafe has detected that you have used the pluggable VMs feature for more than 90 days. This feature will now be disabled.
12438 VM's JDK source path
12439 The VM should have a name. Please enter an unique name for the VM.
12440 If you do not specify this information Visual Cafe will use the default preparsed JDK.
12463 Pr&ocesses
12464 &Threads
12465 Activate the Processes window\nProcesses
12474 Start debugging the program in waiting remote VM
12491 Intermediate files
12493 Locally
12494 Remotely - %1
12497 When Debugging Stops
12498 When Visual Cafe Exits
12499 Never
12507 Activate this window
12508 Activate this window
12509 Activate this window
12510 Activate this window
12511 Activate this window
12512 Activate this window
12513 Activate this window
12514 Activate this window
12515 Activate this window
12516 Activate this window
12517 Activate this window
12518 Activate this window
12519 Activate this window
12520 Activate this window
12521 Activate this window
12522 Activate this window
12523 Activate this window
12524 Activate this window
12525 Activate this window
12526 Activate this window
12527 Activate this window
12528 Activate this window
12529 Activate this window
12530 Activate this window
12531 Activate this window
12532 Activate a window via a menu
12534 &About %s
12535 Up to date
12536 Needs building
12538 Failed to load configuration DLL
12539 Needed interface not found in configuration DLL
12540 Incorrect configuration DLL
12541 This copy of Visual Cafe has expired\nPlease upgrade to a new version
12542 P&roject...
12543 Bean Editor
12544 &Swing Tab Order Editor...
12545 Swing MenuBar Editor
12546 Localization Editor
12547 Interaction Test&1...
12548 &Interaction Editor
12549 Edit &Javadoc Comments
12550 Deplo&y
12551 Deployment Wizard
12552 &Javadoc Viewer
12553 &GridBag Editor...
12554 Archive Viewer
12555 Show previous window
12560 &Look And Feel
12561 The necessary source tags for performing code generation are probably missing.
12909 Cannot add a temporary directory to the classpath.
12911 Localizing Non-Generated Code:
12912 Creating Resource Bundles
12913 of
12917 JFC Applet
13033 Modifications have taken place that require you to restart Visual Cafe for the changes to take effect
13035 Name
13036 Product Name
13037 Installation Location
13038 Valid Port Number
13039 Warning, the connections file %1 you have specified does not exist.
13040 You must specify a repository connections file
13041 Failure saving changes to %1, check you have appropriate write access to the directory
13048 This jar does not contain any valid beans.
13049 Add Component to Library
13050 Remo&ve %1
13051 Ne&w
13053 Fatal exception in external DLL.
13054 The string "<source name>" required in default client adapter name
13055 The INIT_CONTROLS block should be located inside the first constructor or init method for applets.
13056 Successfully added %d component(s) from %s to the Component Library.
13060 &Auto JAR
13061 (none)
13067 You must select a unique base class name
13074 Servlet &arguments:
13075 &Program arguments:
13080 Delete all instances of %1 from the project?
13081 &Database
13082 Add Database &Table...
13083 Add Sto&red Procedure...
13084 Add a calculated data source bean to the form and customize it
13085 Add a validation bean to the form and customize it
13086 Add &Calculated Data...
13087 Add &Validation...
13088 Applet - A program that runs inside a Web Page
13089 Application - A program that requires java.exe to run
13090 Servlet - A Java Servlet
13091 Win32 Application - A stand-alone executable program
13092 Win32 Dynamic Link Library - A shared library
13093 General
13094 Exports (Win32 only)
13095 Libraries (Win32 only)
13096 Advanced
13097 Javadoc
13301 Rename Object
13302 This will cause the current %1 to be terminated.\n%2
13303 debug session
13304 project execution
13305 If you are paused in any remote vms, these vms will be resumed in order to terminate the debug session.
13306 A foreign version of javai.dll was found on your system. Please correct this by making sure that you do not have a file with that name in your <windiws> or <windows>\system32 folder and placing
13307 <Visual Cafe>\java\bin folder first in your path before prceeding.
13308 A foreign version of javai_g.dll was found on your system. Please correct this by making sure that you do not have a file with that name in your <windiws> or <windows>\system32 folder and placing
13309 <Visual Cafe>\java\bin folder first in your path before prceeding.
20611 You must select a shortcut before clicking Remove.
20612 You must select a macro before clicking Create.
20613 Reset All will set all shortcuts back to their defaults. Any shortcuts you have created will be forgotten. Are you sure you want to do this?
20614 (Unassigned)
20615 That key combination is reserved and may not be reassigned.
20616 &Other...
20617 New (Insert)
20618 Delete (Delete)
20619 Move Up (Alt+Up Arrow)
20620 Move Down (Alt+Down Arrow)
20621 Press the Ctrl key to prevent docking.
20622 &Reset
20623 &Delete
20624 Customize
20663 Enter
20664 Error
44000 Bring up expression evaluation dialog with the selection\nEvaluate Expression
44001 Toggle docking view status
45060 Show all windows in a dialog
45061 Load a previously saved workspace
45062 Save the open windows and their position on the desktop
45063 Create a new workspace
45064 Open an existing workspace
45065 Save the active workspace
45066 Save your desktop to the named workspace
45067 Close the active workspace
45068 Close the active workspace
45069 Saves the currently open windows to the selected workspace
45070 Delete the selected workspace
45071 Activate selected window
45072 Activate selected window
45073 Activate selected window
45074 Activate selected window
45075 Activate selected window
45076 Activate selected window
45077 Activate selected window
45078 Activate selected window
45079 Activate selected window
45080 Activate selected window
45081 Activate selected window
45082 Activate selected window
45083 Activate selected window
45084 Activate selected window
45085 Activate selected window
45086 Activate selected window
45087 Open the selected workspace
45088 Open the selected workspace
45089 Open the selected workspace
45090 Open the selected workspace
45091 Open the selected workspace
45092 Open the selected workspace
45093 Open the selected workspace
45094 Open the selected workspace
45095 Open the Workspace Manager
45097 Allow Docking
45098 Hide
45099 Float In Main Window
45100 Toggle the active window between docked and undocked
45102 Activates user-defined tool 1\nUser-Tool 1
45103 Activates user-defined tool 2\nUser-Tool 2
45104 Activates user-defined tool 3\nUser-Tool 3
45105 Activates user-defined tool 4\nUser-Tool 4
45106 Activates user-defined tool 5\nUser-Tool 5
45107 Activates user-defined tool 6\nUser-Tool 6
45108 Activates user-defined tool 7\nUser-Tool 7
45109 Activates user-defined tool 8\nUser-Tool 8
45110 Activates user-defined tool 9\nUser-Tool 9
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new document\nNew
57601 Open an existing document\nOpen
57602 Close the active document
57603 Save the active document\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name
57605 Change the printing options
57606 Change the printer and printing options
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57609 Display full pages
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57632 Delete the selection
57633 Clear everything
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57638 Insert Clipboard contents and a link to its source
57639 Insert Clipboard contents with options
57640 Repeat the last search
57641 Replace specific text with different text
57642 Select the entire document
57643 Undo the last action
57644 Redo the previously undone action
57648 Open another window for the active document
57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window
57650 Arrange windows so they overlap
57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles
57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles
57653 Split the active window into panes
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompt to save documents
57668 Display instructions about how to use help
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57670 Display help for current task or command
57856 Insert new embedded object
57857 Edit linked objects
57858 Convert object to different type
57872 Activate embedded or linked object
57873 Activate embedded or linked object
57874 Activate embedded or linked object
57875 Activate embedded or linked object
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar
59393 Show or hide the status bar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompt to save the documents